Monday, March 30, 2009

mari bersukan....netball training~

Last Sunday evening, we had a netball training.....eventually for the NR Sport Tournament, which will be on 4 April, next Saturday...this team's name is APPLE PIE

Those are some photos taken on that day~......

(kauthar, mai, kak wani, kemal) gedik-gedik pic~

before the training begin~

warm up session~....lead by kauthar

kemal trying to shoot

the game begin

official pom-pom gurl~ for apple pie group :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

tribute to dekboq~ in memory

DEKBOQ in memory

suka sangat tido atas payung rosak tu

sleeping with her weird pose...huh...mimpi ape la tu dekboq?

process turunkan 'kuasa' oleh kak long...
this process took a few minutes ok~ :)..kesian dekboq kena cepuk kepala

This is DEKBOQ, one of my cats, died last few days.....due to some complication in her pregnancy and give birth things~...huhuhuhu...kucin pun ade sakit macam ni ek????
maybe xcukup ilmu perbidanan kot :(

i can still remember her fluffy fur, with her petite size (macam terbantut skit :p)...feel macam peluk teddy bear yang agak garang...sebab dia ni anti sosial skit....xsuka main-main~...serius je...suka buat hal sendiri...suka cakar juga kekadang tu...huhuhu..

how she got her name? DEKBOQ~.... its a shortform of 'adek deboq'..deboq which means montel..haha..taken from the famous Kampung boy cartoon series...deboq is mat's elephant..

Forum for HR class

This sem, my minor class, which is minor in food service, had to organize a forum for our HR class. It is part of the evaluation marks for this subject. We decided to organize a forum on
"The Changes of Chef's Roles in Hospitality Industry"
. This event was held on 27 march 2009.

There were 3 panels invited for this forum :

Chef Redzuan Ismail (celebrity chef)

Chef Ahmad Kasdi (DIN Baker)
Chef Mohd Zahir (LSG Skychef)

Dewan Sri Impian, Hotel UiTM Shah Alam.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

lunch at nandos

Today, I went for lunch with my housemate, at Nandos SACC...

I had 1/4 hot peri-peri chicken served with chips and coleslaw

while my friend had 1/4 hot peri-peri chicken served with chips and rice

Sunday, March 15, 2009

a singing cat

believe it or not, he is singing.................loudly.....heeeeee~

Saturday, March 14, 2009

my chaotic life

my life going hectic this week.......................lots of works to do, lots of thing to design..and the due date to submit all those assignments makin dekat..

and I need foods to comfort me...please send me some food :)

p/s: teringin sangat nak makan coq meneram,tempeyek,and dodol mustaqim,kat s.7 ni mana la nak cari..adoi

Monday, March 9, 2009

cats- tribute to Boomeeow~

Lets meet my cat's family in Kulim..

1st one is Boomeeow which still missing since last year..huhu..sape la yang curi boomeeow ?

then, she gave birth to Kak Long @ kak longkang...

followed by 3 others, which named, Erlown@ melown @ Elony, Dek boq@ teddy , Kay @ k mangkuk.

kay, erlown, dekboq

4 sistas

reccently, kak long gave birth to 3 little kittens which have no name yet :)

and, not forgetting, their daddy, which we call him Pak Nose @ Joe big nose.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

back to smallville

Last night, my brother and I went back to smallville sempena cuti maulidur rasul.
At 10.30 pm, he picked me up and we went to meet Aqashah , his cat, which lived at block nearby. Aqashah ni dah pindah ke merata-rata tempat ikut tuan dia :)....Memula stay s.7, then pindah bukit bandaraya, yang paling best, Aqashah takut tinggal kat sentul, dia stay dalam cage je, sebab tu la kena anto balik ke s.7.. After we feed him, we moved on with the journey back to smallville.

Kereta sangat lah banyak, maybe semua orang pun balik kampung masing2 sempena cuti kan. Tak ketinggalan, lori dan bus. We stoped for several times, then we safely reached smallville at 5.30 a.m.

The mushroom keep on mushrooming non-stop, maybe orang kat rumah dah xlarat nak makan mushrooms tu semua....haha..paling best, bler suruh baby gorengkan mushroom dengan tepung KFC tu...nyum2...rasa macam ayam goreng pun ade..

In the evening, my mom asked me to baked some buns with red beans filling. Abah yang request that bun to be prepared.. Sedap juga, sebab dah lama x makan, and for baby, I made the plain buns because she didnt eat the red beans filling...mengada-ngada~

Thursday, March 5, 2009

roasted chicken & beef steak

Every Thursday, I've food styling class, which conducted by MR.A and MR.E...The main purpose of this syllabus included in my degree courses, is to
identify the role of food stylist in various media such as editorial, public relations, promotional, print advertisement, packaging etc. to acquire techniques used in food preparation and presentation for camera.

Every week, we all have theory classes before we went to the kitchen. Today, there was an invited guest speaker who taught us about the lighting in photography and also how to use Photoshop photo editor. This software will be so useful for us to edit those pictures that we shoot.

he is explaining about the function of flashlight

teaching how to use photoshop

As for today, we have to prepare 2 dishes, roasted chicken and also beef steak. Its not like what we usually prepared it in kitchen, but, these dishes only for photo shooting purposes. So, there are several tricks and techniques we have to apply, in order to make the dishes look real and tempting to eat. 1st task is to prepared beef steak, we used sirloin steak instead..

The steak have to sear 1st on the both sides, to get the browning color on the surface.. Then, use the metal rode to make the grilled effect. If the color is not attractive yet, you can touch up with some coloring, to make it look caramelized and some burnt colors.

MR.E is searing the steak and heating the rod

use the hot rod to make the grill effect

the final shoot~ sirloin steak

The 2nd task is to prepare the roasted chicken. Unfortunately, we got the 'ayam cacat' one...haha...That chicken seems to 'baring-baring dengan rilex nya di tepi pantai' hahaha.. Dengan gaya senget sebelah...Everything we had tried to make it 'sit' properly on the plate, but we failed...hoho...Biar la dia nak baring-baring kejap :P .....Letih gamaknya..

The whole chicken must be trussing 1st, then soak it in boiling water for several minutes, to get the smooth and shinning skin which looks like it cooked. Then, with painting brush and some thick soy sauce, color the whole chicken, until the chicken look like roasted,then, after you get the correct tone and roasted effect, you may sprinkle with herbs or crush black pepper, to make it looks like the real roasted chicken.

kak aza coloring the chicken

final shoot 'roasted chicken'

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

give me the strength

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Today, I've an appointment with my Independent Study's adviser, which is MR.B. actually ,I've suppose to meet him yesterday, but, I'd postponed it to today~...semalam kan still on the journey back here..

So far, he said that my progress on IS is good, still on track..chewahhh....I'm so glad to hear that, rasa macam berbaloi je penat lelah selama ni... bagai nak crack kepala otak untuk siapkan literature review(LR) ni, itu pun baru untuk 1st varaible...there are 3 more varaibles to go.... chiok2 can do it~ :D.. due date for submit the LR will be on next week, hurm, lets see I could finish it on time or not...thanks God I get MR.B as my adviser, if nenek T dulu,mampos!
she keeps repeating the same irritating sentence, "you better do your work, if not, u'll die" "do or die"

p/s: I put a new header to my blog, cantek tak? :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Back to Shah Alam..

After spent 2 days in smallville, today I've to go back to shah alam, my home sweet home rumah sewa..hehe..

I'd took the Eramesra yellowish bus which anyone known their tagline 'eramesra, naik selalu'...seems that I had been cursed by the tagline...adoiyai...hihi

What I hate about the eramesra is that, the bus keeps stop here and there....first stop was at parit buntar station bus, then, bagan serai station bus, followed by 1 more bus station which i cant remember the name.. later than that, baru masuk highway....

The journey was quite smooth, but sometimes rainy here and there..the one who sit beside me, was a boy, which put on the ketayap alL the way to s.a...hihi...both of us keep silent from kulim until shah alam.. :P...masing-masing layan tido je..

I'll update more on the mushroom's progress soon~ 2nd batch dah boleh petik :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lil cousins

Here in smallville,I have two lil cousins, which is my chu's kids. The older called Alia, while the youngest called Aiman. Both of them stayed just next to my home, which also known as my granny's home.

Alia is 6 years old and her brother is 5 years old this year. Both of them attending the same kindergarten, Tadika Kemas Cikgu Ani, which was my sister's former kindergarten also..hehe,This year my sister turns 20, so, can you imagine for how long that Cikgu Ani had run the tadika kemas?.. ;p

Here the picture of my lil cousins which taken this afternoon, when they came back from tadika..

aiman and alia