sleeping with her weird pose...huh...mimpi ape la tu dekboq?

process turunkan 'kuasa' oleh kak long...
this process took a few minutes ok~ :)..kesian dekboq kena cepuk kepala
This is DEKBOQ, one of my cats, died last few days.....due to some complication in her pregnancy and give birth things~...huhuhuhu...kucin pun ade sakit macam ni ek????
maybe xcukup ilmu perbidanan kot :(
i can still remember her fluffy fur, with her petite size (macam terbantut skit :p)...feel macam peluk teddy bear yang agak garang...sebab dia ni anti sosial skit....xsuka main-main~...serius je...suka buat hal sendiri...suka cakar juga kekadang tu...huhuhu..
how she got her name? DEKBOQ~.... its a shortform of 'adek deboq'..deboq which means montel..haha..taken from the famous Kampung boy cartoon series...deboq is mat's elephant..